1. What if I can’t do some of the exercises?
We will give you modifications. Please communicate with us and let us know your situation.
2. I can’t keep up with the other bootcampers?
This is not a competition, this is your fitness journey, do the best you can.
3. What if I miss a boot camp?*
You decide which days to attend. As long as you complete your sessions. (Please note: We do NOT issue refunds)
4, What if I really don’t want to attend anymore?*
Many people feel defeated when they begin an exercise program. The key to success at Pinole Valley Bootcamp is accountability. We want you to succeed but you have to want it more. Come to all your classes and you will see how much you have improved.(Please note: We do NOT issue refunds)
5. Is a diet plan included?
Sue is an ACE certified Health Coach and will help you set up a realistic food plan; there is no one size fits all; personal trainers are not qualified to give out diets.
6. What is the schedule?
Mondays : 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Thursdays : 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
* Please Note: No Refunds, No exceptions, Payment in full prior to start date